21 Days of Calm

I speak about mindfulness regularly in my therapy practice. It is one of the foundational concepts that I present to clients in the beginning stages of their work. I have been interested in integrating it into my daily life more deliberately and tangibly. A few weeks ago, I downloaded the Calm app, mainly for the sleep stories. I have had great success with these helping me to settle my mind and fall asleep quite quickly. 

Browsing through the meditations, I came across a series called “21 Days of Calm.” I’ve decided to start November off with this daily practice. With the second wave of rising COVID cases here in Alberta, I’ve been feeling a little bummed out, and I am hoping this will be a helpful little routine to add to my days. Mindfulness and meditation won’t make the stress and frustration disappear, but it may allow me to capture some time each day to settle into myself, be deliberate with my breath and be accepting of those emotions. 

November 01, 2020



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