Paper or Kindle?

I find myself in a constant battle between “real” books and e-books. At my core, I love to hold the weight of a real book in my hands, to have actual paper pages to read. However, I have also found myself pulled toward e-reading for the convenience of quick purchasing, lower prices and minimizing items in my home. 

For a while now, my e-reading option has been my iPad mini, which has checked the boxes on price, convenience and not taking up space. However, some of the downfalls of reading on the iPad included increased likelihood distraction (darn the internet) and not being able to read outside in the sun or the tub (both of which are favourite pastimes.) So, I recently decided to purchase a Kindle Paperwhite. This device is a lovely, tiny size and is waterproof! The Kindle will allow me to read where I want, without the stress of water, heat or simple delicateness that troubled me with the iPad.

Further, the Kindle is for reading only, a feature I wish I didn’t need, but darn it, my willpower is not always what I would like when it comes to the internet distractions. An extra feature that was a surprise to me was the inclusion of a direct link to my Goodreads account. This addition is convenient for showing me my “Want to Read” list, allowing for easy review and purchasing. 

I know that I will never make the full transition to reading only on a device, but I am excited to have the Kindle as an option to balance out my various reading needs and wants. Nothing beats the satisfaction of a paper copy of a book. Still, the cost efficiency and contribution to a more minimalist lifestyle the Kindle provides gives it a decent run for its money. 

August 28, 2020


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