Fall Appreciation

Here in Alberta, Fall arrives quickly and doesn’t stay long. I have a tenuous relationship with Fall. I don’t enjoy cold weather, but I love the sweaters, hot meals and coziness of the season.

Yesterday I was at my office and pushed myself out for a walk even though I felt hesitant about the potential chill in the air. While walking through the park nearby, I took a moment to take in the gorgeous fall colours surrounding me. Then, again in the evening, while walking my dog, I stopped again. The water, like glass, reflected the trees and sky nearly perfectly.

Moments like this are great reminders of the benefit of a quick, mindful pause on a busy day in the middle of the week. The changing surroundings of Fall is an excellent cue to pay attention to moments, take note of subtle changes and get out of your head, even briefly.

What helps you to pause and take stock? Are there certain cues or reminders that you use to help you to exercise your Mindfulness muscle? 

September 23, 2021


Asian Chicken Noodle Soup


Gracious Goal Setting