Unbound Planner Self-Reflection

A little over a month ago, I wrote about the End of Year Reflection section of my Unbound Planner. I’m finally returning to review the “Self-Reflection,” which acts as a starting place for a new year of goals and plans. 

There are a couple of questions that guide you to reflect on how you want your life to be remembered, the qualities you want others to see and recall about you, and for what you are proud of yourself. I think this allows for some general thoughts about yourself and how this may influence your plans for the next year. 

The questions then guide you to think about how you spend your time, both what you love to do, that energizes you, and the things deplete you that you want to lessen in your life. This year I found myself being particularly deliberate and reflective in this section, recognizing that for some time, life will continue to be restricted by COVID. Typically, what I love to do is driven by travel and new experiences, big and small. This year, I had to consider what I want my life to be like when I am home more and not able to be fulfilled by being out in the world. 

I quite like the section for rating your satisfaction with various areas of your life (family, career, finances, etc.) as it allows for reflection on why you’ve chosen the number you have. From here, you can branch out to the goals you may want to set in those domains of your life. 

I struggled a bit with the questions about a fear to overcome and a big dream to act on, but I think this will take some further reflection. I like the intention with this section, but I think I need to re-frame it in a way that allows me to think about this in a way that fits into goals within a year. 

The self-reflection is just a portion of the Unbound Planner’s incredible goal-focused setup. It proceeds to provide space for various ways of brainstorming and planning out your plans and goals for your year. The self-reflection has been a great jumpstart to considering my direction for the year. It’s been a definite struggle for me; as I mentioned, my usual focus and preferred goals are related to having new experiences and travelling, so I have to be patient with myself as I take a little longer than usual to feel confident in my plans. 

I can’t say it enough; the Unbound Planner is a phenomenal tool for creating goals, setting out your plans and being reflective through the entire process. 


Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms


Thai Butternut Squash Soup