Madame Vice President Elect

This is a little late getting here, I shared these thoughts on my social media last Saturday, November 07, 2020.

I don’t think you have to be living in America to appreciate what has happened with the election over the past five days. Watching from Canada, it has been an emotional roller coaster. I will admit that I am not well-versed in politics; I have been trying to educate myself more in the past few years. But I can say that simply from a human perspective, today, I felt hopeful. 

It feels incredible to see a woman of colour being elected into the White House as the Vice President. Kamala Harris’ words to women and young girls of America and around the world were inspiring and emotionally provoking. I am excited to see what this incredible woman brings to the table in the next four years (and I am sure beyond.)

For me, the chaos of the world and this election somewhat overshadowed this new possibility, to have a woman elected into the White House. And so, I am sitting here tonight, feeling hopeful and inspired. Inspired by this incredible woman, who walked onto the stage to Mary J. Blige’s “Work That,” and spoke to all the young girls who were witnessing history unfold and reminded them of the possibilities for their futures. 

There is so much more to say about these recent events and the change that I am hopeful it will bring. But for tonight, I want to leave it as a celebration of Kamala Harris and the inspiration and hope that she has stoked with this incredible win. 

November 07, 2020


Thai Butternut Squash Soup


Cauliflower Sausage Kale Soup