Reflecting on Amsterdam

While in Amsterdam, I posted daily updates, summarizing my food, drink and highlights. I wanted to reflect on the trip as a whole, to highlight my most memorable moments and the importance of travel overall for me. 

First off, this was my first time in Europe! I have been anxious to make my first trip to Europe, and Amsterdam was a perfect introduction. The general vibe of Amsterdam was incredible. It’s this charming, picturesque place, with gorgeous canals and old buildings. It also had a laid-back, seemingly go-with-the-flow atmosphere. The access to restaurants, cafés and bars alongside museums and historical sites was a perfect balance. It seemed that I could find something new around every corner and that there was always another street to explore, and this was intoxicating. Being immersed in a way of life that feels different from my typical day-to-day (the suburbs of a Canadian city) was refreshing. One of the most notable differences is the sheer number of bicycles. Amsterdam is infamous for its abundance of bikes, and I was quite taken by the ease and confidence in which everyone seemingly glided through the streets. 

I am not an outdoorsy person in the way of hiking, mountain climbing, skiing etc., but I do love being outside, exploring and being on the move. It’s how I love to spend my vacations. We walked 20-30 km every day of our vacation in Amsterdam. The first couple of days were spent simply wandering throughout the city, seeing what we could see and discovering the charming neighbourhoods. We had some planned sights and destinations, usually one to two a day, which allowed the flexibility to amble about the city. When people ask me about my trip and my favourite parts, I honestly have to say that wandering around and seeing the city was the primary highlight. In saying that, however, here are what I considered to be my top experiences. 

  1. Canal Tour. We took a canal tour with Captain Dave, who I found via Air BnB. The smaller group size (max of 12 people) made for a comfortable and personable trip. Since Captain Dave grew up in Amsterdam and his love for the city was palpable, the tour consisted of local gems of history and information. Captain Dave has recently acquired his boat “de Jonckvrouw” and restored it for use on these tours. Historically it was owned by the Dutch government and used by Heads of State, Mayors and the Dutch Royal Family. I would recommend the morning tour; it was a peaceful and quiet time of day to be out on the canals without too much hustle and bustle.

  2. De Zuiderkerkstoren. I am a sucker for views of a city. So when I got 360º views of such a gorgeous place, I was thrilled. As I reflected on my top highlights, though, it was more than the historical tour and panoramic cityscape when it came to this bell tower. For me, it was more about the experience of stumbling upon this hidden gem of a site. In none of my research or reading about Amsterdam did I see the tower as a recommendation. So, to discover it while meandering about the charming streets of Amsterdam added to the experience.

  3. Anne Frank House. I first read The Diary of Anne Frank as a young girl, and once we booked this trip, I re-read it in anticipation of visiting the Secret Annex. This experience was sobering, but it was also incredible to bring what I had read to life as I walked through each room.

This trip reminded me of how much travel and exploring new places fill me up. Having planned stops and sights with the flexibility to meander is the perfect balance for me. Each day I was left feeling exhausted but fulfilled and grateful. I am so thankful that I have the means to do this type of travelling. Not to mention how lucky I am to have found a life partner who enjoys the same. I’ve got quite the bucket list for travel destinations, and I’m just itching to keep fulfilling that sense of wanderlust. 

November 04, 2021


A Year of Fitness


Flower Bookmarks