Sleep Hygiene

We all know that getting a good night of sleep is essential. But then the question becomes, how do we do that? There are many factors and strategies to consider, and I want to highlight a few of my favourites. 

  • Bedtime routine. Once we exit childhood, we often lose the habit of a good bedtime routine. Over several years now, I have developed a pattern that stays relatively consistent each night. The idea is to engage in a pattern of behaviours that let your body and mind know that it’s time to slow down and relax. Some common components include a personal hygiene/skincare routine, a hot bath or shower, reading, listening to music and journaling. Television can be a part of your pattern, but be mindful if it is more activating than relaxing. It can be helpful to have a curfew for screen time as well. You can develop a routine from many options for whatever suits your needs.

  • Environment. Making sure you create a quiet and comfortable space for sleep is crucial. Your bed should be a place primarily for sleep (and sex.) A cool room with blankets to keep you comfortably warm is ideal. Soft, warm lighting is best. I like to light a candle or turn on my diffuser to add a relaxing scent. Decreasing your engagement in screens and turning off notifications are also crucial to creating conditions that are most conducive to sleep. Make sure you have curtains, blinds or a sleep mask to darken your environment and not be woken up before your anticipated wake-up time. Trying to keep your bedroom as tidy as possible also contributes to letting your mind relax.

  • Meditation/Stories/Music. I’ve always really enjoyed quiet, instrumental music in the evenings. It provides an ambiance that is ideal for winding down. I’ve also used meditations in the past that have been developed precisely for sleep. I have recently started using the Calm app and have discovered the sleep stories. I purchased a sleep headband to safely and comfortably listen to the app while going to sleep. All of these can be great options as a way of unwinding and having something to focus your attention on. Music, meditations and stories can be a distraction from the intrusive hamster wheel our brain loves to engage at night.

It is crucial to bear in mind that these recommendations require consistency. Doing this for a night or two will not create a healthy night of sleep suddenly. These sleep hygiene tips require that you engage in them regularly, across time to be effective. 

Spend some time thinking about what relaxes you and what can provide you with some nighttime calm to have a restful night of sleep. Sweet Dreams!

February 06, 2022




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