Thank You

A recent prompt from Day One was to write a thank you letter to someone you love. This prompt hit me right in the heart, and I immediately knew who I needed to thank. I won't say more than that; I will let the letter speak for itself.


One of the most heartbreaking truths I know is that you will never see the influence our last time together had on me. I feel honoured to have spent time with someone with the level of acceptance you had reached about your shortened life.

You encouraged me to make sure that I live life to the fullest, in whatever way I wanted, and to take opportunities when I have them. You set the record straight: waiting for retirement or the "right time" is not the way to live.

The news you shared with me that your life would be shorter than any of us thought was heart-wrenching. But I also treasure that day. It has pushed me to see the world, go to all the places I want to go, and have experiences I wish and am offered.

Thank you. Thank you for turning your unexpected life conclusion into an opportunity for me to learn from you and take an honest look at what matters. My heart still breaks whenever I think about you being gone, but I also keep you in my heart whenever I am living life the way you encouraged me to.


My Year in Books


Vancouver 2022