Wellness Anchors

April 28, 2020, one year ago, I posted about the not normal new normal of life as a therapist during the pandemic. I shared about the switch from in-person appointments to virtual and phone sessions for my clients in my community clinic. I certainly did not expect that a year later, I would be continuing with this. 

A year ago, I was still going into my office every day, whereas I now work primarily from home. What has maintained is the level of importance I put on moving my body, when possible, outside during the day. Taking the opportunity to be activated and have some time to enjoy connecting over the phone with a loved one or listening to a favourite podcast or audiobooks has continued to be a vital piece of self-care. As I said, I primarily work from home at this time, but I do go into my office one day of the week, and I still love to get out for a lunchtime walk. I have come to greatly appreciate the rural community I work in. Getting out as a midpoint break in my day, walking by the river, and having a view of the mountains is has been incredible.

As I walked by the same location I took almost the same picture a year ago; I reflected on the mind-boggling fact that it has been over a year since this all started. It was a great reminder that despite the ups and downs (oh boy, have there been downs) of the past year, continuing to anchor myself with self-care such as these walks has made it more manageable. 

While this year has been exceptional in its disruption of life and stress level, I think the same premise applies more broadly in life. Knowing what anchors us into wellness and allows us to respond to life effectively and flexibly is crucial. Identify for yourself what behaviours, mindsets and strategies best support you in times of need and keep them as a consistent part of your life. 

April 30, 2021


Habit Forming


Jam Babka