2022 in Review

Another year on this earth has passed! Time has been strange over the past few years as we've moved through a global pandemic. 2022 started with being on relatively high alert for COVID, working from home and limiting contact. In the second half, I've moved almost entirely to living as I did pre-COVID. I've added new challenges to my life, made plans for my future, and continued developing a fulfilling day-to-day lifestyle. I delved into a few questions to help me reflect on the year.

How do you describe this year in 3 to 5 keywords?

  • Transitional. Difficult. Fulfilling. Value-Orienting.

How are you different than a year ago?

  • There are a number of ways in which I am different from a year ago. But a surprising growth area for me is the confidence I have been developing in my clothing and style. I've been pushing myself out of my comfort zone and leaning into some trends. I've been feeling I am finally coming into my own in the sense of style that feels like me. This pairs with the confidence I have been feeling in my body. I have been focusing more on strength-based exercise over the past couple of years, and my body feels strong. Initially, this feels somewhat shallow, but I am embracing the confidence that wearing clothes I enjoy on a body I feel strong in is giving me. 

 What did you do for your career growth?

  • I took on an important professional goal and milestone this year. I had the opportunity to teach in a Masters's level program. It has always been a dream of mine to teach a university course, and I am now a part-time faculty member of a Counselling program. The first course was a tremendous amount of work, and I am incredibly proud of myself for achieving this goal. 

 What is the most important lesson you learned this year?

  • My Aunt & Godmother died in late 2021. Before her passing, she spoke openly with my husband and me about living life to the fullest. She had fallen ill shortly after retirement and impressed on us the importance of not waiting for the "right time" to do things. We have been taking this to heart ever since. We've been pushing ourselves to make decisions and take on opportunities as they arise in a way that creates a fulfilling life. We've spent a lot of time this past year reflecting on the life we want and how we can make it happen; this will be carried forward into 2023. 

Though I don't believe every January 1 must be a complete rehaul of your life, I do like to take the opportunity of a new year to reflect and decide what carries forward with me and what stays behind or need adjusting. I hope you've considered your year, how you've grown, what you've learned, highlights and struggles. And with that in mind, I wish you a very Happy New Year!


2023 Intentions


My Year in Books