2023 Intentions

As we head into 2023, I’ve been reflecting on my intentions for the year. I have to continually remind myself not to spiral into too much of a pressured headspace with this, but I find having some structured questions keeps me in line. I hope to thread these thoughts through my year, living intentionally and with fulfillment.

What are you going to continue doing?

  • I left off my review of 2022 by reflecting on my most powerful lesson of the year from my Aunt. I will continue to make decisions and take on opportunities as they arise in a way that creates a fulfilling life. I identified my mantra as “make it happen,” I want to make 2023 the year of making things both big and small exist.

  • I will also continue with the basics that make me feel good. Exercising, eating well, writing, reading and connecting are my foundation. I will keep focusing on strengthening my body and thriving in feeling strong.

What personal qualities do you want to strengthen?

  • I consider myself to be a pretty good friend. But, I want to continue prioritizing connecting with friends, showing support and celebrating their achievements and milestones. Little acts of showing I am thinking of someone, a text, phone call or card, are ways to show those I care about that they matter.

What is something new you will try? 

  • In my work, I often provide guided meditations to my clients individually or in group sessions. I’ve regularly received feedback that I have a good voice for this. I will push myself out of my comfort zone and begin recording some of these meditations to make them available to others.

How will you take care of yourself?

  • Exercise is one of my top priorities for self-care. Beyond the physical benefits it provides, I’ve found my mental and emotional well-being to be distinctly tied to regular exercise. Ensuring I keep a routine that challenges me to feel stronger and continue to hit goals while also being a release to blow off energy is vital.

  • Quiet time. Taking time just for me to read, have a bath or just lounge. I’ve become slightly more introverted over the past few years, and I find the need for time to myself more critical.

What places do you want to visit?

  • I will be heading to Newfoundland shortly after the birth of my niece! I am delighted to be heading back home to visit and celebrate the arrival of our newest little one. My husband and I will also take this opportunity to go on an Iceberg tour out of Twillingate, which will be an incredible experience.

  • We’ve just planned a quick trip to Vegas! An item on my husband’s bucket list is to attend an NHL game at every team arena. So we’re heading to Vegas to watch a hockey game, as well as to see Penn & Teller. We will also take a day to go to the Grand Canyon and I am beyond excited about this.

  • In the spring, we’ll head to Toronto. I’ve never been to Toronto outside of layovers in the airport. For my husband’s birthday month, we plan to take a long weekend to see a few Blue Jays games and visit Canada’s Wonderland.

  • London, England! My big trip of the year will be to the UK. We will be going to London, and now the decision is to choose between Ireland or Scotland as an addition. I cannot wait to start planning this trip. My husband and I thrive on choosing our sights, food, coffee & drinks for our travel.

What are your intentions and plans for 2023? Do you practice goal setting or setting intentions for yourself each year? Though these practices can be helpful at any time, I do love taking the opportunity at the start of a year to deliberately reflect my values, objectives and plans.


2023 Reading Challenge


2022 in Review