2021 Reading Challenge

I am so excited that the 2021 Popsugar Reading Challenge has been released! Last year I cobbled together a challenge based on a few different years, but I am strictly sticking to the provided list this time. This is primary list but I am considering also including the “advanced list” this year, which is entirely based on getting through your TBR list. 

I am almost embarrassed to admit how much pleasure I experienced just from translating the list over to the format I will use to track my progress and a printable version for my hardcopy planner. I’ve also started to research and choose book options, so I feel like I have a head start once the new year arrives. As I research books, read reviews and make my various lists, I have to remind myself to save them for next year! In saying that, there are three weeks left to the year, and I plan on getting in some good quality reading to finish off 2020.

I also hope to be better at sharing my current reading on my Instagram. I keep having the best intentions to have a “currently reading post” whenever I start a new book, but it tends to get away from me. Connecting with people on social media has been such a great way to get ideas for reading; I hope that I will give back more in that way this year.

Who else is doing any sort of reading challenge coming up this year? What are your goals? Are you using a guide or set of prompts? What are you most looking forward to? 


My Year in Books


Book Review: The Henna Artist