My Year in Books

I love this personalized infographic that Goodreads creates based on your reading from the year. Along with this being the first year I did a reading challenge, it is also the first year I’ve completely tracked my reading and have used my Goodreads account. 

I know there are still a couple of weeks left for the year, but I’m going to wrap up my “stats” now because I am so enjoying this little summary. I read 58 books, totalling 21,059 pages. My longest book was “A Little Life” by Hanya Yanagihara - it was 951 pages! My favourite part of the summary was the compilation of the book covers, which I’ve included here. It was a beautiful presentation of the reading I have completed this year. 

If you have a Goodreads account, check out your infographic! Were you reminded of any books that you loved but had forgotten about? Do you have a favourite cover that was displayed? Happy reading and reviewing everyone!

December 17, 2020


Balanced Reflection


2021 Reading Challenge