5 Tips for Reducing Holiday Stress

The holidays can be wonderful. We look forward to traditions, relaxation, time with friends, good food, etc. But, it can also be a stressful time. It's important to ensure the holidays don't impact your mental health. Here are a few tips. 

  1. Be Active. Movement and exercise help boost energy and mood and reduce stress. Being active might mean maintaining your usual workout routine or simply taking a walk around your neighbourhood.

  2. Say No. The holidays can come with many expectations from others, which can be exhausting. Consider your limits regarding commitments and what alone or downtime you may need for a restful holiday.

  3. Eat & Drink Mindfully. Indulgence can be a big part of the holidays. We gather, we eat, we drink. Staying mindful of your food and drink can help you slow down and be aware of how much you choose to indulge. Mindfulness will contribute to feeling good about your consumption and increase the enjoyment of the food itself.

  4. Be Intentional. Reflect on what matters the most to you during the holidays. What do you want to do with your time? Who do you want to spend it with? Clarifying your priorities will help you to have the most meaningful holiday.

  5. Ditch Perfection. We can easily get caught up in trying to create the perfect tree, the perfect gifts, the perfect table place settings. We end up holding ourselves to a standard that's likely not even possible. Let go of the need for everything to be perfect and enjoy whatever you create. Cutting back on social media may be a helpful strategy for not getting caught up in the perfection expectation.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday season that's filled with whatever you need this year. Stay safe. Happy Holidays!

December 22, 2021


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