Benefits of Sleep

One of the most common topics of conversation in my therapy sessions is sleep. Healthy sleep is a vital component of our physical and mental health. So whether I am talking to clients about their bedtime routine, their bedroom environment or strategies for slowing down their minds, it’s a fundamental discussion.

There are many benefits of ensuring you get a good night’s sleep. InnerDrive shares some great infographics about sleep that I love. I’ve re-created them for my office as a visual reminder of the importance of healthy sleep.

Our bodies and minds are amazing, and they require sufficient rest to stay up to par. Sleep helps us have better concentration, improve memory & recall, aids creativity, reduces our focus on negativity, enhances decision making & builds a stronger immune system. These benefits help us function better day to day and live our best lives. 

Is it time to do a review of your sleep hygiene? Are you getting enough quality rest to be living your preferred life?

December 16, 2021


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