It Takes a Village

I recently received the unfortunate news that a close family member had died. We were expecting this passing, but it came faster than expected, and I don't think you can ever be prepared for this life event. 

I quickly booked a flight for the next day, preparing to travel across most of the country, from Alberta to Newfoundland. Now, here comes the plot twist. The section of Newfoundland that my family lives in had recently been hit with a huge rainstorm and had severe road washouts that isolated my hometown from the rest of the island. There were helicopters transporting people in and out on an as-needed basis, luckily making it for a funeral was included. So off I went. 

Three flights, one $200 cab, two rides from friends, an ATV ride and I made it home. Here's what happened. Once my brother and I landed mid-afternoon, I contacted the emergency services regarding the helicopter and was informed that the helicopters were grounded due to weather. They were likely not leaving for the remainder of the day. We had a cab booked to take us to a town 1.5 hours away, where we initially thought we would be getting on the helicopter to get home. We scrambled to figure out a new plan. Thanks to family, social media and the kind hearts of a small community, we were offered multiple rides to meet my Dad and Uncle, who would pick us up on ATVs. So, with two different rides across two legs of the drive, we made it to a pickup point just outside of my hometown and the major road washout. We bundled up Survival suits, hats and winter boots and off we went for a 40-minute ride into town.

To say I was touched by how people came together to make sure we could get home to our family would be a vast understatement. My heart was so full to see how our family, friends and community rallied to offer support and help. I've always heard and believed the saying "it takes a village," but this was just incredible. I know that this is usually associated with raising children, but the sentiment extends much wider. My week at home was filled with grief, but it was tempered by the displays of kindness and care we experienced. My heart was filled, and I am so grateful that I have this memory of kindness and compassion during a time that was so difficult.

In lieu of flowers, my Aunt asked that people do a kind deed for family and friends or be generous to someone in need. I'm bearing this in mind and hoping to carry it with me beyond these early days after her death. Consider your village. Consider those around you who may need a helping hand or even simple words of encouragement. These actions' impact is incredible, and the feelings connected with a supportive gesture are felt in both the giving and receiving. 

These actions' impact is incredible, and the feelings connected with a supportive gesture are felt in both the giving and receiving. 

December 10, 2021


Benefits of Sleep


Lemon Chili Shrimp Quinoa Bowl