A Good Night’s Rest

My pup Roe can sleep anywhere, anytime.

I'm here with another Day One prompt I liked; what do I need for a good night's rest? A good night's rest is essential for our physical and mental well-being. So, reflecting and figuring out what habits will get you the most quality sleep is helpful!

Three things I need for a good night's rest:

1. Hygiene routine. I follow the same routine every evening before bed; these habits make me feel fresh before sleeping, and I find comfort in that.

2. Winding down with some funny videos with my hubby. We love to make sure we have a little laugh before settling down for the night.

3. My headband + a Calm sleep story. I've found that listening to a story has been incredibly effective for going to sleep. I seem to be especially soothed by train rides. My favourite narrators have been Eric Braa and Jerome Flynn.

What routines and habits do you have to help you get a restful sleep?

November 19, 2022


Zucchini Wonton Soup


One Day Hour by Hour