One Day Hour by Hour

On Monday, November 14, I participated in my first One Day Hour by Hour challenge. Started by Laura Tremaine, this is a social media challenge giving a glimpse behind the scenes of a day in your life. It was fun to pause throughout my day and capture moments that would otherwise typically be glossed over. I’m sharing the photos with a brief note on what each was capturing.

6:08 AM

Getting ready for my pre-work Peloton ride. Morning rides have been tougher since returning to the office but I’m glad I can make it happen at least a few times a week.

7:23 AM

Saying goodbye to my pup for the day. She’s the sweetest but is also ready for us to leave so she can have her first morning nap.

8:01 AM

Arriving in my office for the day. The morning light is lovely in this space.

8:28 AM

Couldn’t resist sharing more warm, morning light. I’m incredibly lucky to have these huge windows in my office.

9:23 AM

Waiting for my first client of the day to arrive. I work for provincial health and we’re continuing to mask at this time.

10:42 AM

Tough session, a reminder of the incredibly difficult hand some people are dealt. Some days are harder to others in this job.

11:47 AM

Some of my desk essentials. Gotta stay hydrated, diffuse Liquid Sunshine, protect my eyes and stay masked!

12:30 PM

Lunch break means a cookie & coffee and a break from my shoes.

2:12 PM

I shared Russ Harris’ 3 Happiness Myths with a client in the afternoon. HIs video explaining why these are myths is a great resource!

3:45 PM

Closing in on the end of the work day! A slightly messy desk and a desktop photo from foggy drive to work.

4:13 PM

Time to bundle up and head out. It was just 2°C this afternoon so only a light winter coat required.

4:54 PM

Nearly home. Working outside the city makes for easy and often pretty drives to and from work.

6:22 PM

Play time! She’s a pretty fair-weather dog so once it’s under 5°C a lot of her energy is burned by playing ball inside rather than walks.

7:32 PM

Cleaning my bathroom and admiring our pretty new trays for displaying bottles. Aesop is a little bit of a splurge item for us but 100% worth it.

8:19 PM

Time for reading in my cozy nook. I’ve been so excited for the final book of the Beartown series and so far it’s great!

9:27 PM

Prepping coffee for the morning. Getting as much ready at night makes getting out the door for work so much easier!

10:31 PM

And that’s a wrap on my first One Day Hour by Hour. Snuggled up and off to dreamland!

*12:30 & 4:13 are screenshots from videos, so the spirit of these aren’t fully captured here.


A Good Night’s Rest


Make It Happen