Make It Happen

I've been using the Day One app daily prompts to re-ignite my writing. Recently, the prompt was "Write a personal mantra or personal affirmation of next year," and this one got me reflecting. I settled on "Make it happen."

"Make it happen" is something I want to strive for on both a small and large scale. I've learned in recent years that things happen when I begin to act.

Again, sometimes this is on a micro level. It's so easy to "just do it later" when it comes to small tasks, especially around the home. I try to use a combination of Mel Robbins' 5-Second Rule and the 2-Second Rule from Shawn Achor's "The Happiness Advantage" to be more instantly productive. Both of these concepts suggest removing the barrier of decision-making in a moment and acting before hesitation or resistance set in. So, if a task I've identified can happen relatively quickly at that moment, I do it. I apply this to tasks such as taking grocery bags back to my car or bringing a glass from my bedroom to the kitchen. This habit keeps the household chores from piling up and keeps my space a clean and clutter-free environment, something that creates comfort and calmness for me.

On a larger scale, I want to keep pushing myself to dive into opportunities and goals. Things happen when I begin to remove doubt and view my dreams as possibilities. For me, this will mean taking on professional opportunities and pushing myself out of imposter syndrome. Making it happen will also include bringing my lifestyle dreams to reality. Mostly, I mean making my travel dreams come true. My husband and I want to see so much of the world, and it's easy (and realistic) that time and money can be a barrier. But I want to keep making seeing the world a reality.

There have been some critical reminders in the past couple of years that we don't know what life will bring. We don't know when life will suddenly be halted or altered forever. We get one life to live, and I want to make sure I am making the life I want to live happen. I'm pushing back against the typical mentality that we save our money and time for retirement. There is no guarantee that that phase of life will allow for living out saved-up dreams.

So, make it happen. That's what's coming.

November 12, 2022


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