Been a Minute

Life has started to transition back to some level of normalcy. It’s been an interesting period, with some of the changes feeling difficult while others are exciting. 

I am now back in my office full time and seeing more and more clients in person. After two years of primarily working at home, the significant change in routine has been a more difficult part of our return to life as we’ve previously known it. Morning workouts aren’t as easy to fit in, I miss the ability to walk my dog during my lunch breaks and the time spent commuting is not ideal. I enjoy my colleagues, and I have an office I’ve been able to make my own, but this adjustment has been tricky. 

On the flip side, I’ve been able to re-engage in life in some delightful ways. While taking precautions such as masking in crowds, I have been returning to events and socializing again. This has meant hockey games, coffee shops, restaurants and drinks. Although I’ve continued to use my Peloton and Apple Fitness, I’ve been able to get back to the gym, providing some expansion of my exercise equipment options. Not only am I finally enjoying what life outside my house has to offer again, but being able to interact with friends in real life has been highly fulfilling.

This return to life has been a mix of excitement and anxiety, uncertainty, and hopefulness. Being back into the world and mingling with others contributes to a growing excitement for my upcoming trip to San Francisco. Travelling to and exploring a city with a little less restriction will be such a thrill after these last couple of years. I love making plans, booking events and generally returning to a life in big and small ways that feel satisfying and are reconnecting me to others. 

May 09, 2022


One Day May Challenge


Small Mindfulness Moments