Small Mindfulness Moments

My alarm went off at 6:30 this morning, as usual. I threw on my workout clothes and headed to my spare room to work out. My plan was a 30 minute total body through Apple Fitness Plus. I had even been proactive the night before and browsed what classes I might do. So I unrolled my yoga mat and click clicked my way to class. Then, suddenly, my 30-minute class was ending…after just 10 minutes…huh? I didn’t have the 30-minute filter on as I had thought and had selected a 10-minute class with Gregg. Now mind you, at the pace we were going, I don’t think I could have sustained it for 30 minutes, but the point was that I was not paying attention and didn’t act mindfully.

I was now annoyed. I had to choose another class to make up for the rest of the time. This is simple enough, but this seems monumental before 7 am on a Friday. But, I start my next class, only to realize it’s an upper-body workout incorrectly categorized into total body—another blunder. I found myself irritated and my mind distracted by how things were not going smoothly.

I was able to remind myself to focus, to bring my senses to the moment. I brought my attention to the weights in my hands, listened to the instructor’s voice and focused on my breathing. I tapped into the skills I teach regularly and brought myself to the task at hand. It helped me drop the irritation, appreciate my body’s strength and get the most out of the class.

Shifting from distraction to a mindful workout this morning was rewarding. It was a small moment, nothing dramatic, but these small moments of practice allow us to be aware and attentive to our minds and emotions when it is even more critical. 

April 01, 2022


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