Behemoth Beauties

Going on an iceberg tour this past spring was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. I scheduled this tour with Iceberg Quest while visiting family in Newfoundland. I have had a lifelong battle with motion sickness, so I knew I had to plan accordingly (read: hopped up on gravol and wearing motion sickness wristbands.) But, I was determined to get up close and personal with these 12 thousand-year-old majestic giants.

These icebergs spend three to five years travelling down from Greenland, arriving off the coast of Newfoundland to astonish residents and tourists alike. Though I had seen photos and knew what I was heading out for, nothing could have prepared me for the enormity of what I saw. We were lucky enough to approach three icebergs, circling each one, taking the opportunity to be amazed. It is impossible to truly describe this experience other than to say that I was utterly in awe of the incredible handiwork of nature.

Arriving back on shore, freezing (but not seasick), I had no regrets. The four-hour drive, the many layers of clothing and the icy ocean air were definitively worth it. I’ve always boasted of the island I grew up on and have encouraged people to visit to see our beautiful province, and now I have one more reason to push people to make the trip.


July with Day One

