Family & Ocean

Two of the things I struggled with missing the most during the pandemic were my family back in Newfoundland and travelling. As soon as we were fully vaccinated and Newfoundland opened to visitors, we booked our trip. This moment meant everything to me. I was going to see my family, meet my nephew for the first time and get back on a plane!

This trip was entirely about family and relaxing. I spent time with my nephew, waking up early each morning to have some bonus cuddles while everyone else slept. As a family, we went on ATV rides, had evening fires, ate comfort food and played card games. As luck would have it, my best friend was also home, and we were able to have some relaxing time together catching up.

Home for me is a small coastal town, the polar opposite of my life in Calgary. Going back to Newfoundland with my husband (who isn’t from the Island) has always been a treat because it makes me see where I grew up through a different set of eyes. Even though he has been home numerous times with me now, his appreciation and wonder with the idea of living near the ocean is contagious. Being next to the ocean is always grounding and refreshing for me. It was incredibly refreshing to be in the salty air after so long of being contained at home.

Indeed, after a year and a half of just me and my husband staying at home alone, a house with six adults, a toddler and a dog, with family and friends dropping in to visit, was chaotic. But it also filled me up. Being able to hug, laugh and share experiences with some of the most significant people in my life was the perfect way to begin post-pandemic life. Now begins the anticipation of more travel!

July 25, 2021




Pandemic Habits I’m Keeping