Pandemic Habits I’m Keeping

As life begins to transition back to pre-pandemic norms, I've reflected on the habits and routines I've developed over the past year and a half. There are, of course, things I am incredibly excited to return to my life, but I've realized there are some habits I've developed that I want to keep. 

  • Grocery Pickup. This has been a game-changer for me. This was a service that was always available, but somethingI never took advantage of. I started using it when it became anxiety-provoking to be in the busy grocery store back in April 2020. Now that I have been doing it for a while, I don't want o give it up! I love having the flexibility of beginning my grocery order and adding to it across a couple of days, and it has cut back on the time actual grocery shopping takes up on my days off. I also find that I am more likely to buy what I need and not be tempted by unnecessary purchases that browsing the aisles inevitably leads to.

  • Reduced Eating Out. I stopped eating out or even ordering in at the beginning of the pandemic and lasted for 100 days. It started with restaurants closing down and a lack of comfort with food delivery. Then as time passed, I realized how unnecessary ordering food was. We were happy cooking meals and even taking the opportunity to learn new recipes. We've since loosened on this, having ordered food in, but the knowledge of not having missed it is helping us to cut back.

  • At Home Exercise. This change was, of course, a necessity as our gym shut down. We were lucky; we locked down a set of adjustable weights early on and eventually purchased a Peloton. This routine is one of the things I have been most grateful for during the pandemic. Regular exercise is such an essential part of my life for both my physical and mental well-being. While I will eventually return to the gym, primarily because of the need for heavier weights and some equipment, I want to maintain some exercise at home. There is a huge appeal to getting in quick and efficient workouts from the comfort of home through AppleFitness+ or a Peloton ride.

  • Virtual Connection. COVID has led to a more conscious connection with people virtually. Since I have a lot of family and friends across the country, I've always used virtual options pretty regularly for staying connected. However, the pandemic has allowed for more deliberate and creative use of virtual platforms to chat and create more engaging and purposeful plans with others. I want to hold onto this to maintain the increased contact that has been established over the past 18 months.

I’m grateful to be able to look back on this year and a half and find the positives. Have you formed new habits throughout the pandemic that have been positive or you’re now wanting to maintain? 

July 05, 2021


Family & Ocean

