
I started this Blog just over a year ago, so I thought it was time for a bit of re-introduction. It began a while before that as an Instagram account, providing the creative outlet that I had been craving for some time. My first post explained that I wanted a place to share experiences and learnings and write about self-care, reading, and mental health. I eventually branched out here, where I share longer posts about mental health, reading, self-care, and general life experiences. Both Instagram and Blogish have continued to be what I had hoped for; places that I could connect with others, share some thoughts and engage in some writing.

Little did I know that this all would coincide with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has probably been one of the most challenging years I’ve yet to experience. The past 18-ish months have been an emotionally trying time, a roller coaster of worry, uncertainty, times of hope and disappointment. However, it has also highlighted the strength of my relationships, provided opportunities for closeness and new experiences with my partner and brought new challenges and growth in my professional life.

So, much about me is the same as when I started Blogish. I am still a psychologist, wife, dog mom and book lover. I still hold a desire to connect with others through these shared interests and by sharing my experiences. Since starting, though, I have become a first-time Aunt, grown my hair out from a pixie cut for the first time in a dozen years, done my person-centred job over the phone and virtually, and I’ve survived a pandemic.

We seem to be approaching the light at the end of the tunnel here in Canada. The tipping point for me is the rollout of the second dose of vaccine and finally booking a trip home to Newfoundland to meet my nephew and see my family. Most of what you see here will stay the same, but I also hope to now have more opportunities to share about experiences that have been on hold, such as my passion for travel.

I look forward to continuing to share it all here. Thanks for joining me!

June 06, 2021


Pandemic Habits I’m Keeping


Mexican Chicken Quinoa Casserole