Goal Setting

It's April and officially spring, although I am not sure Canada got the message yet. A new month means fresh goals. I have not been as diligent about monthly goal setting and reflection lately, life has felt hectic, and I've lost focus. I still maintain my typical intentions; exercising, spending quality time with my hubby, working on my reading challenge and staying connected with important people. But it may be time again to get intentional with my goals this month. I like to keep them simple. 

  1. Record another meditation for Breathe with Gail. Have you checked out my YouTube channel yet? It will be a place for you to find meditations that I regularly use in my therapy or that I have recently developed. I am looking forward to expanding the playlist. 

  2. Clean my kitchen. See? Simple. Sometimes my goals must be a more significant house task that needs completing but easily falls off the radar. My kitchen needs a DEEP clean, and spring is always the time to start digging into some of those more intense house chores. 

  3. Re-read "Deliberate Practice for Psychotherapists: A Guide to Improving Clinical Effectiveness" by Tony Rousmaniere. I have been discussing deliberate practice in the Master's course I am currently teaching, and I want to revisit this book for my teaching and for myself. It's so easy to get caught up in enjoyment reading and not dig into professional books. 

Beginning a month fresh with some expectations for myself helps me hold myself accountable and creates focus. Regularly thinking about what is important to me creates clarity and hopefulness. Taking each year's intentions and breaking them down each month, week, and day allows for focus on small steps and achievements, ultimately creating success.


Bedside Books


Breathe With Gail