My Year in Books

As we wrap up 2021, I'd like to share a bit about my reading this year. Each year, Goodreads provides an infographic about the books you've read, which I love. I'm a sucker for stats and information, so this is right up my alley.

Here are some of my stats:

Books Read: 67

Pages Read: 23,609

Longest Book: 1,116 pages (IT by Stephen King.) This was a hefty read, and I enjoyed it, but it wasn't my favourite of Stephen King's novels. Fun fact, I've never seen either version of this movie.

My Average Rating: 3.8 Stars. However, I take this with a grain of salt because I am terrible at rating books. I hope to work on that this coming year.

Highest Rated on Goodreads: Five Little Indians by Michelle Good. This information isn't surprising to me at all. Good was the winner of the 2018 HarperCollins/UBS Prize for Best New Fiction. Five Little Indians shared the reality of the residential schools through the stories of five fictional characters. The heart and grit showed in these characters made for a phenomenal read.


The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel. This was my second Emily St. John Mandel book. I initially read Station Eleven for a book club and was instantly hooked by her style. Her beautiful storytelling and development of the characters swept me up into the narrative.

Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro. There appears to be a theme here because this was also my second Kazuo Ishiguro book. This book was eerie yet beautiful. Ishiguro's talent is in developing an understanding that there is something more going on than meets the eye, maybe a little dystopian or sci-fi, without smacking you in the face with it.

On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong. This story is told through the lens of a letter from a son to a mother. Vuong brings to light the family history and opening about his own life. This book was so beautifully written that by the 11th page, I was ordering a copy for my friend, who I knew would appreciate the stunning writing.

Although I've been taking part in a reading challenge, my reading continued to be a favourite pastime and did not become a chore. Recently, I've been working on allowing myself not to force the issue when reading something I am not enjoying. I have given myself more permission to stop reading a book that is not engaging to me once I've given it a decent shot. Sometimes I will return to I and find I am in a different headspace for it and other books I simply never read.

I will again participate in the Goodreads Challenge this coming year, and I have some other goals. I want to rate books more often and write more reviews. I also intend to read on Indigenous and Sustainability & Climate Change. Getting lost in a book of fiction is one of my favourite experiences, but I recognize the need also to direct this energy toward learning.

I’ve been an avid reader since I was a child and I am grateful that it has continued to be a passionate pastime into adulthood. I’ve adjusted to make it more of a challenge and to create opportunities for growth but ultimately it’s my way of relaxing and taking care of me.

December 29, 2021


Bakeapple Muffins
