As we approach the beginning of a new year, I thought I would address goal setting. Often we take this time to reflect on the past 365 days and decide what we want to accomplish in the coming year. However, we can tend toward broad goals that lack clarity or specificity.

One of my favourite things to teach clients about is SMART goals. This is a way of breaking down your goals to increase your likelihood of success. 

Specific. Consider this sort of like the mission statement of your goal. What exactly is it you want to accomplish?

Measurable. How will you know when you've achieved your goal? What tangible evidence can you look for to confirm that you've completed your goal? How can you quantify your goal? 

Attainable. Ask yourself, is this possible? Do you have the resources/means/skills to achieve this goal? Goals should be within your control and influence. What factors might get in your way? 

Relevant. Why is this important to you? How does it fit into the life you want for yourself? It's essential to ensure that goals align with your values and desires. Consider what effect achieving this goal may have on yourself or others. 

Timely. Set out a timeline and deadline. There can be multiple checkpoints along the way that help you measure progress. 

From here, you can break down an action plan. Here is where the incremental steps come into play. You also want to consider what obstacles and challenges you may face. I encourage you to share your SMART goal with someone in your life who can give you feedback about the clarity and potentially help with accountability along the way. 

Many handouts help with SMART goals; here is one of my favourites. The breakdown of the process on this worksheet is clean and straightforward. Keep in mind that while SMART goals are a great tool, they take some time to become proficient at; you probably won't get it just right on the first try. You may need to make adjustments along the way to your destination.

I hope this approach helps you along the way to achieving your objectives, whether as a New Years' resolution or any other time that you are setting yourself up for a new challenge. 

December 28, 2021


My Year in Books


Book Review: Bewilderment