New Year Check In

We’re about three weeks into the new year and I’m doing a little check in on the main habits and goals I’ve set for myself. I want to reflect on where I’ve been most successful and adjustments I need to make in the final leg of the January.

Flossing. I know this is one of those basic habits that really shouldn’t be that much of a feat but I had been incredibly consistent with this for a while and then lost the routine. Since the New Year, as I put it in focus again, I’ve missed just three days! Again, it’s s simple habit, but I’m not holding any judgment, just enjoying the success.

Skincare. I invested in some beautiful skincare products from Aesop and I love how they make my face feel. I found myself leaving the routine of cleanser, toner and hydrator  until the very end of the evening, when I ultimately just wanted to go to bed. So, I have been focusing on deliberately fitting this in earlier in my evening, recognizing that it wasn’t something that didn’t have to be completed right before bed. I’ve been able to do the full spiel 13/19 days of this month! I hope to add a weekly face mask to the mix in the coming days.

Note: I use the Fabulous Face Cleanser, B & Tea Balancing Toner & Seeking Silence Hydrator from Aesop.

Peloton Rides. I really wanted to focus on more productive rides. I had fallen into the habit of more regularly riding the bike while watching a show, leading to lower outputs. So my focus has been on less “entertainment rides” or if choosing to do one of these, ensuring my output average is above 100 watts.  My rides overall in January were lower due to increased gym sessions and a few days of being sick, but of my 11 rides, only three have been entertainment BUT two have been below my output goal. So, this goal has some success but needs work.

Increased Stretching. I set a goal to engage in 10 minutes of stretching, two times a week. I know, without even looking back over my tracking that I haven’t accomplished this goal. I need to consider how to deliberately fit it into my routine. Two approaches I will consider is tacking a ten minute stretch onto my exercise routine of the day or considering making it a part of a relaxing pre-bed routine.

I have always reviewed goals at the end of the month, highlighting my success and then deciding how to adjust in the next month. Though it seems obvious now, this review has highlighted to me the benefit of a mid-month check-in to give myself the opportunity to make adjustments quicker.

There were three main things that helped me to do this more effectively.

  1. In each week of my Hemlock & Oak planner, I made myself a reminder to “Review Monthly Goals” in a bright colour that would be hard to ignore.

  2. For the review itself, I have been using the “Streaks” app. It’s an app I have dabbled with in the past but have been more consistent with it this time around. Stay tuned, as I hope to stick with Streaks and write a post about it!

  3. My goals were tangible and incremental. Slightly moving timing or setting clear numerical objectives made what I was measuring clear.

It can be easy to start off the year with lofty goals and ambition. The hard part of new habits is maintaining the motivation and consistency. Regular review and some form of tracking habits and routine can be key in being successful. How do you set and track goals & habits? Of course, remember to always be kind and patient with yourself when developing or re-engaging in routines and intentions.


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