2024 Reading Challenge

I'll be participating in my fifth year of the Popsugar Reading Challenge. There is a prominent theme related to the number "24" for this year, with prompts such as a book about a 24-year-old, a book set 24 years before you were born and a book that came out in a year that ends in "24." This adds a fun element to choosing books this year.

I am already brainstorming books to be added to my list. I noted "a nonfiction book about Indigenous people" was included, which will push me to read one of the various books on my shelf about Canadian Indigenous culture.

I completed my first reading challenge in 2020, at the height of the pandemic, which made it a much easier task. Between 2020 and 2021, I read 126 books. In comparison to 2022-2023, I read "only" 93. With both a return to regular life and picking up a few more responsibilities, my reading focus has lessened. It is still a prominent part of my life, but completing the prompts becomes a little more challenging. But, I still pursue it, as it pushes me to read books I wouldn't usually choose and gets me out of reading ruts.

This year, I intend to focus on completing the regular list and then see if I can add on with the advanced. But, in all honesty, I'll go with whatever works. If there is a book I want to read and it fits on the advanced list, then so be it! My main focus is still a love of reading.

Follow along here.


New Year Check In


2023 Reading