Odds & Ends

As I try to get back into the swing of things here, I’ve been reflecting on the purpose of this space. It started as a creative outlet during the early days of the pandemic, and I didn’t want to put too much pressure on myself to make it anything in particular. This sentiment remains. The name “Blogish” came from my hesitancy to fully commit to calling this a blog. And I don’t say hesitancy from a place of self-criticism so much as avoiding labelling what I was doing. I felt that it possessed Blog qualities, but I wanted this to be more flexible than that.

I decided to rebrand a little and, in that process, added “Odds & Ends” to my name, capturing the variety of topics I cover. Letting go of the expectation that everything I write has to be incredibly insightful or unique has allowed me to maintain the original purpose of this endeavour - to have a creative outlet for myself while connecting with others.

As I get back into the swing of things, I hope you can get some enjoyment, validation or connection from what I share!

October 31, 2022




Learning From The Unfinished