The Invisible Live of Addie Larue

The Invisible Life of Addie Larue was an unexpected five stars for me. This book was everywhere over the past few years, and I kept not bothering with it. I would read the description, and it didn’t appeal to me. But as I perused books for my reading challenge, the summary suddenly jumped out at me, and I decided to try it. I loved it. First, the concept of the characters making a deal with ... well ... not death ... or the devil perse, but some dark spirit was done so well. It captured the classic “be careful what you wish for” moral incredibly, creating a dark and heartbreaking story. I also liked the pacing of uncovering the (multiple) reveals; I couldn’t put the book down for want of getting answers, but I didn’t feel that it was dragged out. The ending satisfied me with how Addie took control and created her twist of fate, but it was still open-ended and incomplete.


Lullabies for Little Criminals


The Boy at the Top of the Mountain