Gail Siwiec Gail Siwiec

5 Tips for Reducing Holiday Stress

The holidays can be wonderful. We look forward to traditions, relaxation, time with friends, good food, etc. But, it can also be a stressful time. It's important to ensure the holidays don't impact your mental health.

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Gail Siwiec Gail Siwiec

It Takes a Village

The sentiment of “it takes a village” was recently experienced to the fullest in my life.

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Gail Siwiec Gail Siwiec

A Year of Fitness

My fitness routine has changed significantly over this past year. Apple Fitness+ and Peloton are the platforms that have helped me engage in exercise in a brand new way.

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Gail Siwiec Gail Siwiec

Reflecting on Amsterdam

A reflection on trip as a whole, to highlight my most memorable moments and the importance of travel overall for me. 

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Gail Siwiec Gail Siwiec

The Pepper Bra

Absolutely thrilled by my Pepper bra. The fit, the comfort, the body positive mission of the company - 5 stars all around.

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Sooner or later, I hate to break it to you, you're gonna die, so how do you fill in the space between here and there? It's yours. Seize your space.

- Margaret Atwood